
HRM is a system  that consists of many interdependent activities. These activities do not occur in isolation . virtually every one effect  another HR activity.For example: a poor decision about staffing requirements  can lead to  problems in employment, placement , legal  compliance , union management  relations and compensation.
When HR activities  are involved  as a whole  they form  an organization’s human resource management system.


A system  consists of two or more parts (or sub systems) that work together as an organized whole with  identifiable  boundaries.e.g.  human body is a system consists of sub systems  , car both have  identifiable  boundaries include HR department in diagram each HR activity  relates directly to every other activity . e.g.   The challenges faced by  the HR department   affects the selection of employees the selection  sub system influences  the department’s development and evaluation of employees/
in addition each sub system  is affected by department’s  objectives and policies and by the external environment  in which HR management  takes place.
The purpose of HRM  is to improve the productive contribution  of people to the organization  in way that are strategically , ethically and socially responsible.As a result of these activities  many job openings can be  filled from within  rather than from  outside firms. The results should lead to  more  effective work force.To evaluate  employee performance  appraisal  are conducted periodically.They get feedback  and spot weaknesses . HR sub systems  affects  each other and specialist must   be aware of this inter depending. Perhaps the most effective way  to recognize possible  complications is through  system thinking.


An applied system view in HR activities is as taking  inputs and  transforming them into outputs.
Then the manager/HR specialist  check the results to see if  they are correct.  This checking  process procedures  feedback which  is information  that helps to  evaluate  success  or failures. In practice  system thinking helps  to identify  key variables. After viewing   new information as a input  managers /HR specialist   decide  what the desired  output is.Once inputs and outputs are known, decision makers draw  on their  knowledge of  HR activities  to transform the input  unto.  Output  in the most effective way.To verify  their success,  they acquire  a feedback  about the problem.


It enables one to  recognize inter relationships  among parts.The relationships among HR activities are less likely to be over looked. System thinking also requires recognition of system boundaries which marks the beginning of its  external  environment . the environment is an important consideration because  most system are open system.  Open system is one that is affected  by environment. HR management  is an open system i.e.  affected by external environment e.g.  the rate of major  human resource  subsystem. In figure:


Operating and  HR managers /experts  face many challenges in  dealing with people.  The central challenge  is to assist  the organization in improving its  effectiveness and efficiency  in an ethically  and socially responsible way. Other challenges arise from environment  in which organization  operates.
1)      changing demand of workers.
2)      International  and domestic competitor
3)      Pressure groups.
4)      Professional ethics and government

Challenges also come from within organization.  Managers and other departments compete with HR departments  for larger budget, for large share of organizational resources. Perhaps the most pervasive forces are
1)      workforce diversity
2)      international competition
3)      legal  requirement  for EEO.

The operating managers and HR specialists are successful  in advising  and preparing others for facing  challenges only when they themselves have awareness  of these challenges.


A solid information   base lies at the center  of  effective HR management. Without  accurate and timely information  managers and HR specialists   are seriously  limited in their ability to meet challenges To build  HRIs  data  gathered about each job  and about organization’s future  HR needs Using this information  specialist can advise managers about the  design of jobs they  supervise  and find  the ways to make  these


After personnel  have been  obtained  thy must be  to some degree developed. Beginnity  with orientation of new employee. HR  development also  include job skill training. As job evolve  and change  ongoing retaining is necessary  to accommodate technological  changes. Encouraging development of all employees including  supervisions and managers is necessary  to prepare organization for future challenges.


 Equitable compensation  is necessary  to maintain  and retain  effective workforce. Employee  must be paid a fair wage  or salary relative to their productive  contribution. When compensation is too low turnover and other   problems involving  employee  relations are likely If pay is too high, the company  can loose its competitive position  in market.
But modern  compensation  management  goes beyond pay. Benefits are  increasingly an important part of every compensation  package and must be  at the level consonant with employee  productivity . if the company is to retain  worker and remain  competitive.At the same time organization needs to  protect its workers from occupational hazards through health and safety programs.A department not only assures a safe environment  but also keeps  the employer in compliance with health and safety laws for EEO.The operating managers and HR specialists  are successful  in advising  and preparing others for facing challenges  only when  they themselves have awareness of these challenges.


Maintaining  an effective  workforce  requires more than just pay, benefits and safe working  conditions.Employees  need to be motivated   and  satisfied   with their  jobs.Personal and  job related  problem may lead to the need for counseling. HR specialist  can provide  effective  program or specific advice  to operating managers. To increase  employee satisfaction  and organization productivity, communications are used  to keep people informed.When employee’s  relations  are ineffective  the employees may join together  to form self  help  groups called unions.As with ongoing system HR department  need to uncover their  success and failures.  Through self evaluation. Full service  departments regularly conduct audits   of their  performance  and do research  to uncover more  effective  way to  serve the organization.


As discussed earlier organization  and then HR departments are open system  and are  affected by environment in which  they operate.For managers and Hr department to respond  proactively   they must have an awareness of  external organizational  environment  in which they operate.


Modern  organization exists in turbulent environment  filled with challenges over which organization  and its HR department have   little influence  . these challenges shape  the way the organization   operates and   thus affect  HR policies   and practices. e.g.  changes in the external environment  such as new technologies  affects  type of workers their educational preparation and their performance . it also affects corporate strategy and planning managers and HR departments then respond  to these changes and heap the organization  meet its objectives.


The major  changes  are registered when mix of personnel enters the workforce. Their wider diversity of cultures,  religions , languages and  dialectic , educational , attainment , skills , values , races , gender,  knowledge of these variations challenges  manages and HR professional to develop proactive  policies and practices.



Diversity in the workforce,  is also influence by cultural values  and societal norms. Changing  value  and laws  have contributed  to greater  participation  rate by  women in the employment  market  creating  a variety of implication for HR departments. E.g parental leave and child care facilities provided by employers are becoming more common demands , leading some  employers to create  work and family program.
Also significance  to the manager is that an increasing proportion of female, employees  have children under  the age of six years.  This make difficult for them to  become regular  members of organization and HR manager should seriously consider such  practices .
As flex hours  of working  , sharing of one job by two or more workers and  preventing child care during working hours.  Another changes in skill mix  is that has occurred in USA society is that   white collar job holders outnumbered  blue collar workers. These employees  are typically less inclined to   join labor unions, but on the other hand  have greater expectation in terms  of more individual treatment by managers. Performance  on these types of jobs tends to be more  difficult  to objectively evaluate, thereby leading  managerial towards more participative  appraisal system  such as management by objective .


All advanced economies faced some diversity  within the workforce.  This diversity  may come from immigration across   national borders or from  migration within  the country. Countries  like Germany  and Saudi Arabia have   large number of guest workers – foreigners who  are granted  work visas  but not citizenship.


New values are introduced to organization through entry of divergent workforce .In U.S.A. certain set of values  go with work  which has rendered its spiritual meaning  buttressed  by such  behavioral  nouns such as honesty, punctuality, diligence. American organization  made full use of these values   for enhancing   their  productivity, efficiency  and effectiveness.
 Today people   witnessed decline in the concept of work ethic in face of existential view of  life.
According  to this concept  organization has  no responsibility  to guide us,  instead we  ourselves   are responsible for determining  what we  want for us. Work is longer remain a factor   through which you develop  yourself as a  whole person.  Family activities , leisure,  avocation , assignment in schools , churches are viable means  through which a person can find meaning   and become  self actualized. Climbing  the organization  ladder of success   for its  accompanying  materialistic symbols  became less important than self  expression through  creativity. 
Emphasis  upon individual  as compared with organization  ; a number of changes  in personnel program have been tried . attempts have been made to redesign  jobs.

To provide  challenging activities to meet their demands of  EGO.


Jobs and job skills are changes by technology. Perhaps the greatest potential impact s on jobs  since the industrial  revolution is artificial  intelligence  . the  industrial  revolution  allowed people to   make greater use of  mechanical power  from water wheels and steam engines to  nuclear power – to amplify human productivity
Artificial intelligence  will give a  growing  number to workers  access to expert system – computerized  program to capture  the knowledge  and decision making  approaches of experts.  Automation  is another way  in which technology  affects the field of HR management  . one specific form  of automation that is likely  to have a significant  impact on organization is robotics.  A robot become  more common and sophisticated, they will affect organization  productivity  and quality of work . life for employee  . their increased  use seems certain. Since then cost  relative  to labor costs are declining .
The good news is that the hazardous and  boring  jobs will be taken over by robots. These changing technologies also will shape  the educational preparation of future  workers.  And thus their productivity  . for example the use of computerization spread  to companies that are increasingly  relying on HRIs, knowledge  of computer technologies  will grow  increasingly crucial to HR departments.
The bad news is that HR professional may have to contend with increased worker alienation  . since job opportunities may shrink along with  opportunities  for socialization on the job. High paying factory for the unskilled and semi skilled employee may become   scarce, leading  factory workers to  accept lower paid unskilled jobs  in the service sector.


Global competition puts pressure  on all the firms  in an industry to be more productive  . robots  and other technological advance boosts productivity, but robots  are installed programmed and  maintained by people.
As economic challenges become more intense because of robots, artificial intelligence or foreign competition HR professionals  will need  to find more innovative  ways to help line managers increased productivity  through people.Over course  of business  cycle, managers and HR departments must adjust to changes in their organization’s   business plans.When the economy expands, new employees  and training  programmes are needed pressure for higher  wages, better benefits,  and improved working conditions also  grow . managers  and HR department must act cautiously.
Overstated  , bloated  benefits  programmes  and higher wages become  serious burden when  the business  cycle turns downwards .a recession  creates  a need to maintain  a content workforce and reduce labor   costs. Decisions to reduce hours, lay off workers, or accept lower profit managers involve the  advice   of HR experts.


Through  the enforcement  of laws, government  has a direct and immediate impact  on managers and HR function s. federal laws   regulating  the employee  . Employer relations challenge the method HR department use. Some laws  like health act, and the civil rights, make major demands on HRM. Government  involvement  in the  employment   relationships is meant to achieve  societal objective, usually the  elimination  of practices   that are considered contrary  to public policy.


Besides  external  demands, managers and HR departments find current challenges within the organization  they  save. Following are the internal challenges faced by HR managers.


In the HR  environment , union represent an actual challenge to unionized companies   and potential challenge to companies that are not unionized. In companies with union, the employer and  union sign a labor   agreement that specifies compensation (wages and benefits)  hours and weekly  conditions. This agreement limits the  HR  activities  of super visors  and HR departments . for  both the challenge is  to achieve company objectives without violating the agreements.


Every employer is unique , similarities between organization’s can be  found among their parts, but each organization  as a whole has a unique culture. Organizational culture is the   product of all organizational features.  Its people, its success and its failure.The challenge for managers and HR specialist is to  adjust  proactively  to the culture of organization .


HR managers requires a lot of detailed information to reach to a  quality  decision.  Many HR activities  and much  effort by  HR professional are devoted  to and refining  the department’s  information  base.  The information requirements  of a full service  department are only  hinted at by question  such as
1)      what are  the duties  and responsibilities  of ever job in the organization .
2)      what are the skills  possessed by every employee.
3)      What are organization ‘s future HR needs.
4)      What are the current  trends   in compensation  of employees.

The acquisition , storage and retrieval  of information  present a significant challenge . a key part of   challenge  is gaining  information  from other in the organization who  provide  the department with much of its information.
To share and retrieve  information , HR departments increasingly rely on computer  based information  system that store  detail information  about employees ,   jobs, laws,  unions, economic , trends  and other internal and  external factors.
But massive information  system challenge the department’s ability to safeguard the privacy of employee’s records.


                                  EXCERCISE 1
acquisitive adaptable affable adamant adept abject abrupt e accountable


No advance             booking is necessary on most departures.

The cuts will have an             effect on our research programme.

He drove down a road with many             turns.

She cannot be held             for her actions that night.

She was quite             that she would not come.

The scheme was an             failure.

Successful businesses are highly             to economic change.

He was very             at evading questions. 

He found her parents very            .

He was an             collector of old paintings

                              EXCERCISE 2

afoot ambiguous afresh aloof amenable alive aggrieved aghast alert ambivalent
Let's start            .

I felt rather             not to be invited.

She suddenly came             when I asked about her children.

She kept herself             from her fellow students.

He sensed that something was            .

His closing words were deliberately            .

She is             about her future career.

I find him very             to reason.

He stood             at the terrible sight.

The             listener will have noticed the error.
                        EXCERCISE 3

anxious appalled apparent ample apprehensive appreciative amiss arbitrary

appreciable apt           

I'm very             to meet him.

The increase in salary will be            .

I'm most             of your generosity.

You have no reason to be             of the future.

A little luck wouldn't come             at this stage!

There is             evidence to support this view.

My pen is             to leak.

We were             at the prospect of having to miss our son's wedding.

Then, for no             reason, she began to dislike school.

The choice of players for the team seems completely            .

                                  EXCERCISE 4

awkward attached assertive avid attentive articulate atrocious arguable
averse astute  

His weakness made me feel strong and            .

He was an             collector of old coins.

A good hostess is always             to the needs of her guests.

I'm not             to a drop of whisky after dinner.

I realized they wanted to be alone together so I felt very            .

It was an             move to sell the shares just then.

Isn't the weather            ?

We've grown very             to this house and would hate to move.

It is             that giving too much detail may actually be confusing.

She's unusually             for a ten-year-old.

                                  EXCERCISE 5

bitter blank bearable biased bemused berserk bald bereft banal belated

He was totally             by all the activity around him.

She felt alone and             in the big city.

He went             and attacked me.

Begrudgingly, he gave a             apology.

Failing the exam was a             disappointment to him.

Her questions were met with             looks all round.

He produced a             statement of the facts.

The art in the exhibition was             and boring.

The climate is quite            .

In what respect do you think the film is            ?.
                                 EXCERCISE 6

broke breathtaking broad blurred bright blatant bleak brutal brisk blunt

Let me be quite             with you - your work is appalling.

He set off at a             pace.

The minister gave a             hint that she intends to raise taxes.

The boundaries between East and West have become            .

The view was quite            .

The future looks            .

During the recession, thousands of small businesses went            .

The people have been kept down for years by a             régime.

He was a clever child with a             future ahead of him.

Our teacher is guilty of             favouritism.
                            EXCERCISE 7

cavalier cagey chilly cantankerous casual close candid chequered clumsy


He was a bit             about exactly what had happened.

His illness has made him increasingly            .

Sometimes even the most             remark can result in a lasting grudge.

He's had a very             career since he finished university.

It seems a bit             in here today.

            analysis of the sales figures shows clear regional variations.

Such bluntness is             of him.

Let me be absolutely             with you: your work is not good enough.

You             oaf - that's the second glass you've broken today!

The bigger banks sometimes seem to have a             attitude towards their small savers.

comprehensive complete complimentary complacent compatible composed colourful

commonplace cocky competitive

It comes             with all fittings.

She's much too             for someone in a junior position.

We decided to separate when we realized we were not really            .

This would make teachers' pay             with that of other professions.

The island has a long and             past.

Mobile phones are now            .

We are all much too             about the quality of our water-supply.

This is the most             guide I have read.

We received a             bottle of wine.

He remained perfectly            .
                             EXCERCISE 9

conducive conditional consecutive conscientious conceivable contrived pulsive  concerted compulsory condescending

I suppose it is just             that she might have helped him escape.

The local sports clubs are making a             effort to interest more young people.

Is English a             subject at your school?

Everyone assumes he's hard-working and             but they don't know the other side of the coin.

You've been late for work on three             days.

Payment of the money is             upon delivery of the goods in perfect condition.

I've had enough of your             remarks!

Overeating is a form of             behaviour.

The noisy surroundings were hardly             to concentrated study.

I found the movie dull and the plot            .

                                 EXERCISE 10

conventional crummy cute crooked crude crucial curious cynical cussed curt

She's so             she always does the opposite of what you ask.

I don't want to be             with you, but I haven't any idea what you're talking about!

More investment is             to the future of our company.

Detectives described the burglary as `             and amateurish'.

Most of the band's albums are pretty            .

I'm             to know what she said.

`No!' was his             rejoinder.

The book is a story of cunning criminals and             cops.

She is not beautiful in any             way.

The public have become rather             about the government's promises.

                              EXERCISE 11

damp decrepit deep definitive defiant deceptive daring decent daunting daft

The prospect of meeting the President is quite            .

Her simple style is            : what she has to say is very profound.

The idea isn't as             as it sounds!

Don't use those sheets - they're still            .

'I'll go if I want to!' she said in a             voice.

He's a thoroughly             and honourable man.

This is the             biography of Churchill.

Audiences will thrill to the hero's             exploits.

Are you still driving that             old car?

He was             in conversation with his accountant.

delicate   deliberate destined demeaning detached devious dejected derelict dim dire        

We're conducting some very             negotiations.

It's only a             and distant memory now.

Such action may have             consequences.

The work was poorly paid and            .

There are plans to demolish the             buildings.

Coming from a theatrical family, I was             for a career on the stage.

She tried to remain completely             and objective.

Repeated failure had left them feeling very            .

The error wasn't             but due to oversight.

He tried to involve me in his             plan to take over the company. 

                    EXCERCISE 13

accordingly admittedly actively alternatively aptly aversely ably acutely apparently accurately

Scientists can             compute the course of the rocket.

The organizers of the exhibition were             assisted by a team of volunteers.

I've told you what the situation is; you must act            .

His health was             affected by the climate.

She participates             in local politics.

I am             aware of the difficulties we face.

As Oscar Wilde so             remarked...

We could take the train or             go by car.

He drove on,             unconcerned about the noise the engine was making.

The plan,            , is not without its difficulties.

                        EXCERCISE 14

belatedly briefly busily blindingly bravely boldly broadly barely blatantly


He can             read or write.

She apologized            .

            speaking, I agree with you.

It was a             unfair decision.

Jane walked             up to the platform without faltering.

He             held back his tears.

Technology today can work at a             fast speed.

He was             employed in cleaning his shoes.

It's             cold outside today.
                                EXCERCISE  15

comprehensively crucially chiefly comfortably conceivably considerably closely comparatively capably casually

The gap between the two parties has narrowed            .

The government is             concerned with controlling inflation.

She             resembles her mother.

The favourite won the race            .

She glanced             at the note.

Our team was             defeated.

He couldn't             have intended this to happen.

They felt that she could manage a business            .

It is             important that we keep together at all times.

His father was             wealthy.
                         EXCERCISE 16

istinctly decisively decidedly deeply dreadfully decently deceitfully

deliberately directly desperately

They're paid fairly            .

I             remember you promising to phone me.

She said it             to provoke me.

He was             resentful of her interference.

He cast about             for something to say.

She didn't answer             but sat silently for a few moments.

He claimed that he had not acted            .

They suffered             during the war.

Her training has equipped her to act             in a crisis.

I feel             unwell this morning.
                            EXCERCISE  17
extensively exhaustively exclusively evidently essentially equally

eminently effectively easily exactly

He has travelled             in Europe.

It's             the best film I've seen for a while.

The movement was             a political one.

She seems             suitable for the job.

His words had             the opposite effect.

His age             ruled him out as a possible candidate.

This special offer has been             designed for readers of `Home' magazine.

We must try to think about what is best for him;            , we must consider what he himself wants to do.

He searched             through the old records.

 The President             assumes that he will still be in power next year.
                               EXCERCISE  18
firmly frantically freely finely flatly fervently faithfully favourably

fiercely forlornly

I followed the instructions            .

He looked             down at his feet.

We             hope they will succeed.

He was             competitive.

I             admit that I made a mistake.

Our request was             rejected.

The match was             balanced.

He worked             to finish on time.

Our prices compare very             with those of our competitors.

It is now             established as one of the leading brands in the country.
                            EXCERCISE  19
harshly hardly generously hotly grossly heartily handily honestly highly


He was             treated while he was there.

Please give            .

The pickpocket ran off,             pursued by the police.

Press reports have been             exaggerated.

We're             placed for the shopping centre.

Flu is             infectious.

           ! What a fuss he's making!

I'm so tired I can             stay awake.

Darkness was             closing in.

I'm             sick of this wet weather.

                               EXCERCISE 20

kindly incidentally idly ideally immeasurably infinitely inadvertently

implicitly justifiably knowingly

I would never             lie to you.

           , everyone should be given equal opportunities.

She has doubts about him, but I believe in him            .

He brought back her keys which he had             put in his pocket.

We can't sit             by and let the countryside by destroyed.

This wine is             preferable to the others.

The public can, quite            , demand an explanation.

            keep your opinions to yourself in future.

           , whatever became of Jenkins? I haven't heard of him for years.

The task seems             difficult.

                                   EXCERCISE 21

narrowly nicely namely mightily marginally mildly  mercifully loosely

lightly literally

Involvement in the conflict is not to be undertaken            .

He             avoided a collision.

Local schools were only             affected by the strike.

When the plane finally landed, the passengers were             relieved.

Idioms usually cannot be translated             in another language.

Crime is a complex phenomenon, to put it             (ie it is extremely complex).

I want to talk today about a major threat facing our society,             AIDS.

The play is             based on a local legend.

I was getting along very             until Patrick stuck his oar in.

The play was very bad, but             it was also short!

                              EXCERCISE 22
oddly practically ordinarily partially preferably perfectly pointedly

outwardly plainly openly

            enough, we were just talking about the same thing.

Though badly frightened, she remained             calm.

The road was             blocked by a fallen tree.

           , my presence was unwelcome.

To be able to speak             and freely again was wonderful.

He looked             at the door, suggesting I should leave.

She's very             minded.

           , I find this job easy, but today I'm having problems.

She wanted a cake,             one with chocolate icing.

`What do you mean?' `You know             well what I mean.'
                                 EXCERCISE 23
remotely reasonably regrettably relatively readily reliably rightly richly

remarkably respectively

Spare parts are             available.

           , the experiment ended in failure.

If I remember             the party starts at 8 pm.

I am             informed that he's about to resign.

Julie Wilson and Mark Thomas, aged 17 and 19            .

She was             rewarded for her trouble.

The essay is not even             relevant to the topic.

            speaking, this matter is unimportant.

She has become             proficient at her job.

           , his only injury was as bruised elbow.

                           EXCERCISE 24
sensibly shortly simply scrupulously safely solely scarcely soundly sharply


I shall be in touch with you again            .

He also questioned whether it was             the lorry driver's fault.

He'll be             missed.

He has been             defeated at chess.

We can             assume that he will accept the job.

She             avoided any mention of his ex-wife.

They decided, quite            , to postpone the broadcast for a few months.

I stared at her,             able to believe my eyes.

The temperature fell             in the night.

I bought the picture             because I liked it.

                                 EXCERCISE 25
unduly wholly vainly unanimously voluntarily vastly virtually widely Uniformly ultimately

He's             regarded as one of our best young writers.

I hope I'm not being             pessimistic.

He was             trying to find the keyhole in the dark.

           , you'll have to make the decision yourself.

The price of houses has             doubled over the past few years.

The risks are             outweighed by the potential benefits.

The motion was passed            .

I didn't have to ask them to leave; they went            .

I'm not             convinced by your argument.

The practice was not             adopted until the late 19th century.

                                  EXCERCISE 26











It disgusts me to see him             his wife in public.

She wears blue to             her eyes.

They are very old-fashioned and             change.

We need to             enough evidence to ensure his conviction.

How could you             such awful conditions?

He will never             hope.

They waited for the storm to            .

Should governments             the death penalty?

This information does not             with the evidence of earlier witnesses.

Oranges             here all the year round.

People who             their parking privileges will have them removed.    











It disgusts me to see him             his wife in public.

She wears blue to             her eyes.

They are very old-fashioned and             change.

We need to             enough evidence to ensure his conviction.

How could you             such awful conditions?

He will never             hope.

They waited for the storm to            .

Should governments             the death penalty?

This information does not             with the evidence of earlier witnesses.

Oranges             here all the year round.

People who             their parking privileges will have them removed.










Many artists feel             from society.

The Official Secrets Act has been             to prevent further leaks.

They             that the weather would turn cold and took their coats.

He             to the new developments in his speech.

The weather             between rain and sunshine.

The newspaper             that a number of unauthorized payments had been made.

They             the boredom of waiting by singing songs.

The group happily             along for miles.

Hospitals were             and staff put on stand-by.

Several colleges were             to form the new university.










Are there any matters             from the minutes of the last meeting?

I don't like you             with such people.

You can only solve this problem by             yourself to it.

He will be             full charge of the firm after his father's death.

He wasn't             properly and missed most of what she said.

Scientists are             the outbreak to poor hygiene.

The police began by             everyone that the child was safe.

The company had to work out the best way of             its goals.

The charity was credited with             a disaster.









After the incident, she was             from driving for six months.

Her parents             her in her choice of career.

After their plans            , the group members were quickly caught by the police.

They             with the wind and the waves.

We didn't win the contract: we were just             by another firm.

Tom             Kelly into doing the washing-up.

Police are             as to the identity of the killer.

She             the attractions of a high salary against the prospect of working long hours.

They             him into the room.
weird vital vain vile viable versatile worth wary worthwhile vicious

Do you expect me to drink this             concoction?

I found some of her poems a bit            .

This book is well             reading.

He tried in             to sleep.

He's not a             person.

It is absolutely             that this should be kept secret.

You should be             of trusting someone like that.

Few cooking ingredients are as             as eggs.

There's no             alternative.

The journey was long, but seeing him again made it all            .
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